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Hoop's Health

Yahirloera05's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Yahirloera05's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But if they’re sick how they gonna take care of themselves and how are they gonna go to a pharmacy to get their medicine. And if they’re elderly some of them will be alone at their house not they can’t drive any where because they don’t know how.

1 point

That should give healthcare to all because the government was created to help us not to just let us die because some of us can’t afford healthcare for a issue we tried to fix but couldn’t.

1 point

I support this comment because we shouldn’t have to be begging on our knees to get insurance. People train in the medical field for years to help people with their illness. And some people really need insurance and they can’t get it because of one little thing and the insurance company wants to save money.

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