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Urmomhomo's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I disagree with you because by your logic, it’s unfair for student debt to be paid off by the government because people worked hard to pay it off, this thinking is wacky. Healthcare should be a fundamental right for EVERYONE regardless of whether they can afford it or not because that is not the point, money should not be the motive but instead it should be that all citizens have the best care they can get. And in the documentary Sicko it shows how many people didn’t have to wait HOURS to get treated and it also showed how a couple went BANKRUPT because of their healthcare provider and how a man could only attach one finger because he couldn’t afford it while in other countries they are not denied the basic care they need and are not denied the life saving treatments they require because it’s free for them and they don’t have to worry about how they’re gonna pay for their bills or if their insurance will cover it

1 point

I agree with you because for example in Cuba, although they are a poor country with very little resources they have made it a fundamental right for all its citizens to have affordable healthcare

1 point

Healthcare should be free because you shouldn’t have to be in serious debt and then go bankrupt all because you couldn’t pay off your debt. People are denied basic care because they couldn’t pay for it, people shouldn’t be kicked out of hospitals because they can’t pay for their hospitals bills, people shouldn’t have life saving treatments denied because their insurance doesn’t cover it. People all over America are dying because hey aren’t getting the proper healthcare they deserve all because they don’t have the money, all they seem to care about is profit and the money and don’t seem to care about the people, they just care about the money in their pockets and that should not be the norm.

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