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Ronbgrider's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ronbgrider's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

However I think that universal healthcare would be beneficial to some people, but I'm not completely sure it would be the best thing for everybody. For instance the doctors don't get paid as much in universal health care as they do in American way of doing healthcare. The taxes would also be through the roof and there's a hug waiting list in that some people die just waiting for a appointment. So I'm not exactly sure which way of doing healthcare would be better.

1 point

I agree with the point make about helping the poor. Because we need to work as a whole community to help the poor, only then can the entire country become a better place to live.

1 point

I think health care should be free for all because there's millions of people that don't have healthcare or can't afford it and are not getting the help that they most strongly need. Also in universal healthcare the medicine is dirt cheap however in the american healthcare system the medicine is ridiculously expensive sometimes and people are incapable of paying for it. Although if we have universal healthcare taxes would be through the roof, if your a doctor you don't get payed as much and there's a long waiting list, but waiting in a line is better than getting no help at all. So to conclude I think that the good outweighs the bad in this scenario, and healthcare should be universal for all.

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