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Mariayanez95's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I don't agree with what you are saying because not everyone has the opportunity of taking care of themselves. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the "millions" of choices you speak of. Sometimes they only have one, and that is to endure with the illness/sickness because they have no money or insurance to pay for healthcare.

1 point

I completely agree with you. The U.S would be in a better state because everyone would be healthier and with less debts.

1 point

Universal Health care should be made for all. So many people don't have the opportunity to have health insurance, and many of those have serious medical issues. The countries that have universal health care like Canada and England do have their problems. Like for example in Canada you have to wait a long time to get attended, and in England stuff like getting checked with the dentist is really expensive, so the health insurance doesn't really cover it. Now that the U.S sees their small problems, they can create a universal health care that will succeed the rest.

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