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1 point

I completely agree with this because healthcare should be for all. Weather you’re rich, poor, even homeless, it shouldn’t matter at all. I will always say that healthcare should be free for anyone and everyone.

1 point

Free healthcare is needed for ALL the people in this world, no one should ever have to pay. A small amount of money should be okay but if it’s like $100,000 that is literally INSANE. People shouldn’t have to worry about paying off every single amount of money left when they’re literally about to die.

1 point

I completely agree with having health care for all. Most people in this world don’t have enough money to pay for so much. We really need to help them, there’s people dying in this world, yet doctors can’t attend them because they can’t afford it. I find that disgusting that people are actually dying because they can’t afford to pay, we should help them by having free healthcare forever.

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