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Evelynavelar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Evelynavelar's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I totally agree with you, the government is corrupted and doesn’t commit to their own words. Everyone deserves a healthy and life and healthcare. You are right most of our parents came here to give us a better heathy life. I loved how you supported your statements with the government since they are the main reason why not everyone receives healthcare.

1 point

I agree with you, healthcare is most needed for those in the streets and the ones who are economically stable. Everyone deserves a healthy life like any other person. I do agree that if everyone receives healthcare the amount of people in the streets will decrease, you stated good points!

1 point

Healthcare is a controversial topic worldwide, especially in the United States. Many people throughout the world struggle economically and are at a low economic position and they can’t afford healthcare and especially health procedures needed. Majority of people with healthcare is most likely to be able to afford their own health procedures. In the other hand, there is people that can’t afford healthcare procedures nor healthcare and are in need of major health procedures. This is why the United States has low mortality rate, there should be healthcare for all especially for the most needed.

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