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Eearlsweat's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Eearlsweat's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Americans don’t have the right to healthcare but humanity.

We also have a right to own property but the government isn’t obligated to give it to us. You can’t demand or expect universal government healthcare when the American system isn’t built on it.

1 point

Working Americans could still have financial strain because to cover the cost much more money for taxes would be pulled out.

Universal healthcare also conflicts with the American beliefs do limited government and individualism. Universal gov. Coverage doesn’t guarantee quality care.

1 point

I choose this position because under the single-payer system in the US tax obligations would double. Bernie Sander’s healthcare plan would cost more for 71% of working families including low-income families. His proposed federal taxes wont even be enough to cover the cost. Universal Healthcare could put a strain on working Americans.

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