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Cristina26's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cristina26's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Not everyone can rely on themselves to help with care. If you don't have money, of course you can't afford it. With health care, you might have to pay, but not as much as you would have to if you're providing it for yourself. In days like this, no one really has enough to support themselves. I agree with this

1 point

You make a good point. They're being greedy by not letting people have health care so that they could get more money.

1 point

I think everybody should be able to get health care because everyone deserves it. If anyone has had any difficulties in the past, that shouldn't matter. Everybody deserves to have equal care. No one should have more care than another person. We're all the same and deserve to be treated equally.

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