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Chiokwara's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Chiokwara's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Not everyone is perfectly able to take care of themselves. You have to think of people who aren't deeply in debt because they can't afford to pay for their cancer treatment. You have to consider those people who don't make as much money because they work lower paying jobs. Not every one can afford going to the hospital.

0 points

There are people dying all over the United States because they can't afford medical care, and then there are people paying thousands of dollars for medical insurance that they don't use. We should turn that wasted money into taxes that are paid, so everyone that needs health-care can get it.

1 point

I think the United States should have universal health-care because, even though taxes would increase, people who couldn't afford health care before would be able to afford medical care. Even if it takes the United States government a few years to set up the universal health-care system, it would be better than people taking care of themselves. If there was universal health-care in the United Sates, our mortality rate would probably decrease because more people would be able to afford the medical attention that they need.

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