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Carmendoza's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Carmendoza's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

I agree with you, it is very unacceptable. We should have universal health care. Its just best for all. Hope the governement understand and stop being greedy

2 points

I agree with you.

America is "the country of freedom"

We should have the freedom to do stupid things and get hurt and have free health care.


5 points

I feel that Universal Health Care for All is the best decision to make. We see that Canadians are living so great, there health is so great. Americans health is horrible! Maybe if all of us had health care, we can live 3 years longer. Maybe now the people that fall down accidently and cut themselves can have somewhere to get stitches. Accidents happen. How would you feel if you fell down, broke a hand, and living in a one room appartment with three kids. You wouldnt have no money to pay for a 10,000 dollar hospital bill or even more! where would your kids end up? what do you do next? People that have health insurance do not think of people that do not have health insurance. Life takes you different directions, and not all of us wind up becoming rich and being able to even afford health care! If we never try this universal health care, we will never know if it could work or not.. we will be living with that what if for our rest of our short lifes......

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