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Hoop's Health

Axelzoom5460's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Axelzoom5460's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think in this country that we complain a lot of things and health care is one of them why dot people take care of themselves because there are lots of people that don't have anything and don't have health care and suffer more then us, but yet they try there hardest to survive and take care of themselves they have something to complain about so we have to try our hardest to survive without health care because of its problems in america

1 point

Not everyone can take care of them self in there time of need unless they have to much pride they will say they don't need any ones help, but not everyone is like that so I think there needs to be health care for everyone that wants it for the rest they can have a lower health care just to be safe.

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