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Ajhashem's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

The Government are the people that want Universal Health Care. It is the insurance companies that gobble your money on simple little things.

1 point

I agree also. What if you break your leg and you go to the hospital to get a cast. That is going to cost you a fortune to just get it fixed. If you go outside of America where health care is simple and run by the government. It probably wouldn't have costed you a dime.

1 point

Having Universal Health Care would lift off so much weight off our shoulders. The fees that we pay to just have a baby is really expensive. While in Europe, having a baby is absolutely free. There is no chargre, you have the baby and you walk out the hospital. Also the prescriptions in Europe are 10 dollars. It doens't matter how many pills you need. It will always be around 10 dollars. In the United States, the cost of prescriptions can range up to 90 dollars for just 10 pills! That is pathetic! Having Universal Health Care would improve the lifes of many american citizens that don't have health care or struggle to pay the bills that they have thrown at them.

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