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1 point

I agree, I can definitely say that this is incredibly sad because I’ve actually witnessed this. People rather stay with their condition instead of going a doctor because they know rejection is all they’re going to receive. Since, medication and consults can be extremely expensive.

1 point

I agree with your statement because it is cruel and sad having to see others die because they are not able to pay the whole amount for medical assistance.

1 point

Canink that health care should be free for everyone in the US because some people are born with health issues and that is just something one can’t avoid or prevent. Others do not take care of their bodies and then expect others to pay or take care of them. Additionally, most people in the US are not rich, which means they can’t afford the expensive medications needed to take care of diseases or any health problems that cannot be prevented, these include health issues developed because of age or an accident.

Going back to the people not taking care of their own body, even though it is their fault for not living a healthy life, we obviously cannot let these people die because we have to take care of each other. We need to have that kindness in our hearts and help others.

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