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Hoop's Health

TaniaValadez's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TaniaValadez's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I completely agree with your point that people should worry about their health and nothing else. Having universal health care will prioritize a person’s health and not the money they have to pay.

1 point

I agree with your statement that Healthcare of a human right because everyone deserves to helped when they are in need. When one needs help it is a right for them to be helped. No one should fight for their life to be saved. They deserve the right to be helped when they need it.

1 point

Having health care for all personally to me is a human right that everyone should have. Most of the countries in the planet have universal healthcare and have a prospering economy due to it. People who have access to healthcare live healthier lives and miss work less because their health being taken care of.

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