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Skye44's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Skye44's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree because there are people who have serious medical conditions and get turned down by health insurance companies. They then can’t afford to pay it themselves so they die.

3 points

While it is true that private health care causes competition, thats not what health care is about. It’s simply about helping people so they feel better and are healthy. Furthermore, the prices will be lowered if we keep the private health care, but in places like Cuba that has free health care the cost for medicine was 5 cents, and in London was $6 which is substantially less than what it costs in America.

1 point

Free healthcare for all would allow people to: It would save Americans millions. To get surgery on America the way it is now would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars while in Canada or other places with universal health care it would be a bit more in taxes. Of course a sacrifice is needed and that would be the wait time. But if you’re truly thinking about it a little bit of a longer wait time doesn’t matter if it’s FREE. :)

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