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SacoiyaG's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I disagree because what if a person has a condition or illness that is unknown? The individual will not know what to do to take care of themselves. If the person mistakes their condition for a different condition and decides to take meds, they could possibly die if their actual illness does not associate with that medicine.

1 point

I agree because universal healthcare will help people who don’t have insurance and people who were turned down because they had a previous illness which I think is unfair. I also agree that having universal healthcare will keep people from losing tons of money and receiving little to no care.

1 point

I support universal healthcare because I don’t believe we can necessarily and entirely take care of ourselves when we are sick or worse. I do believe health care should be fair for all people. As long as the health care system and insurance companies aren’t cheating people out of their money and actually working to improve a client’s health, then I will support universal healthcare. To me, it doesn’t make sense to make billion of dollars and there are still thousands of people sick and still dying! However, if we develop a more fair and honest system, there will be no problem with universal healthcare and people won’t HAVE to care of themselves.

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