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MSanchez's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MSanchez's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with your argument. I feel as many people instead of going to the doctor due to not having money or even insurance to pay for a visit makes their health even worse. I think there’s reassurance needed when it comes to making sure that you are healthy in order to live a long life.

0 points

I agree with you. For example, in Canada when people need to see a doctor or need medicine they are able to go into any doctors office or hospital and receive help without having to be asked for an insurance card. The wait time was also shorter than in the U.S

2 points

I feel as the healthcare plans are only available to people with the economic means or if they are employed. Other individuals genuinely just cannot afford to receive the proper treatment that can eventually be a cause of their death. I think they should have a right to receive the same care as someone with money.

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