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This personal waterfall shows you all of JBjessica's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with you, people has the right to live better and longer as other people.

1 point

I agree with you, America said their health care is the best but when it comes to certain people its not as cool as how they said. An american citizen doesn't have to travel around just to get a nice health treatment like anybody else.

1 point

Day by day a lot of people are dying or getting sicker because they can't afford to pay for their insurence of health care. Universal Health Care would be really helpful to a lot of people that are in really bad situations. Some people, such as little kids and Seniors, can't afford such expenses for medicine. Universal Health will be helpfu to a lot of people so they can't do crazy things such as trying to cure themselves or trying to do medical precidures by themselves without going to the hospital because they can't pay for it. Leading to more deaths and accidents.

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