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DamianMoore's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DamianMoore's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You can't vote them out. Look at Obama who spent $250M on a vacation last year. That money could have been spent helping people who need it, but it never is. If you have government run healthcare, it just gives them more power to abuse.

1 point

People would get the care they might need, but then you would be paying something like 40% of the money you make in taxes to help random people you don't even know. And you wouldn't live any longer, because most of the time you don't die because you can't get healthcare.

0 points

I don't think we should have universal health care, because you pay for it with taxes. Places like England that have free healthcare have to pay like 40% of their money to healthcare taxes, so it ends up being a huge amount that you lose because of it. I think that if you want healthcare then you need to pay for it yourself, and if you can't then you should find out a way, because no one should have to pay almost half of their money they make just to help a person they don't even know.

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