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This personal waterfall shows you all of CourtneyA's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

The government should pay more attention seeing as they're suppose to be the one's looking out for citizens. It's funny how greedy the world's become, and no one wants to be out any money even if it saves a life. The Health System does need to be fixed, but it also needs to have a set of rules about what they will and what they won't pay for. For example~ Paying for Cancer treatment, and not paying for Plastic Surgery just because someone want's to change their nose. It should only pay for that which is an actual medical need, not just whims people have.

3 points

Thing is, if those who can't afford Health Care don't get any treatment what-so-ever, they will most likely die. It's true, we should try to take care of ourselves, but sometimes people need some assistance.

3 points

Health Care would be great, but as most things are it'll probably end up being abused. When people will no longer have to worry about paying for their own health services, they're going to begin getting procedures that are not necessarily needed such as plastic surgery just because they don't care for how they look. The real upside to Universal Heath Care would be that those unable to pay for procedures and care actually needed would be able to obtain them. I have a lot of cancer in my family, so I understand how important it is to get the care and treatment you need without waiting years to get the money, or not getting the money at all. So, honestly, I'm at an in-between state for yes or no to Universal Health Care. There's always a good and bad side to an argument so it's not a simple choice one can make to go for or against it.

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