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Hoop's Health

Brandon_Mode's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I agree, allowing people to have universal health care would help decrease the amount of people on the streets and it could also help those that spend all of their money on medical procedures to not worry about that. If everyone has health care it could decrease the death rate of our nation because people can finally get the care that they need. Not having health care can cause people to live life with a huge risk, but since everyone would obtain health care they can live life happily knowing they have the support that they need.

1 point

I agree with you because often times the people that don’t have the money for health care are often the ones that need it the most. Allowing people to have free health care will cause people to maintain a longer life and not be in regret for the rest of their life for not getting a surgery that they desperately need.

1 point

Being able to provide universal health care allows those who are financially unstable have the opportunity to live a healthy life like the rest of us. Just cause a person doesn’t have the income to pay for help doesn’t mean they should get any help to stay alive. Being able to receive health care for everyone could decrease the amount of people that are in the streets because most of the time the people that are on the streets are the ones that need urgent medical care.

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