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turpificatus's Reward Points: 217

Points When What Where
5 High Rated Argument Is Global Warming Happening?
3 High Rated Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 Added Argument What is better COD4 or COD:WaW
1 Added Argument Roadside Advertisements
1 Added Argument Roadside Advertisements
5 Created Debate Roadside Advertisements
1 Added Argument Should people be allowed to act different than others?
1 Added Argument God's Debris
1 Added Argument who would win the war???
1 Added Argument What is the first order of business for any given language?
1 Added Argument What do you think of Obama's Economic Plan?
1 Added Argument Are we going to have attacks worse than 9/11 in the near future?
1 Added Argument Does every living thing have *a right* to exist?
2 Added Argument Is changing the world to suit one's purposes unnatural?
1 Added Argument Do humans know enough about managing the environment to attempt to manage global warming?
2 Added Argument Will Al Gore's new "We can solve it" campaign have an impact on Global Warming?
1 Added Argument Do you want Congress to approve the $700B bailout plan?
1 Added Argument Faith is ignorance.
1 Added Argument Matt Damon's take on Sarah Palin
1 Added Argument What do you tink about teachers carrying guns?
1 Added Argument Do religious organizations scare you?
4 Added Argument Is China using under aged girls in Olympic gymnastics?
1 Added Argument What is your favorite sport?
1 Added Argument Will you watch the Olympics opening ceremonies?
3 Created Debate Is the Air Car a viable solution to gas guzzlers?
2 Added Argument Is Nuclear Power the only option to the worlds energy crisis?
6 Added Argument who would win the war???
1 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
10 High Rated Argument Do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument In the battle for the planet, have we already lost?
1 Added Argument Will the Chinese take over another country within the next year?
1 Added Argument Your all time ever fav RPG/ Action-adventure/ Shooter/ Hack n Slash/ You geddit
7 Added Argument Humans are Responsible for Global Warming
8 High Rated Argument Who is going to be the next President of the United States?
1 Added Argument u.s. economy, Soon to die?
1 Added Argument Who is going to be the next President of the United States?
1 Added Argument Should we all speak in full and correct sentences on the internet?
2 Added Argument 9/11 was an inside job.
3 Added Argument Should we all speak in full and correct sentences on the internet?
7 Added Argument Will China present to the World a more compassionate profile because of the Olympics
1 Added Argument Would you kill someone to save one hundred people?
1 Added Argument Which flavor of ice cream is better?
1 Added Argument Is prayer nonsense?
1 Added Argument Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction?
1 Added Argument Would the US invade a country that couldn't pay for it?
1 Added Argument Should the US government fund stem cell research?
1 Added Argument Should the US government fund stem cell research?
6 High Rated Argument If a dying child asks if there is a heaven after they die what will you say?
10 High Rated Argument Is Global Warming Happening?
1 Added Argument If God existed, would YOU critisise him
1 Added Argument If a dying child asks if there is a heaven after they die what will you say?
1 Added Argument Man vs. Elephant
1 Added Argument Is a zombie plague imminent?
2 Added Argument Trying to combat global warming is useless.
4 Added Argument Is Global Warming Happening?
3 Added Argument Do large bodies of people have better collective judgement then individuals?
1 Added Argument What is the most effective method of curing poverty?
4 Added Argument Do large bodies of people have better collective judgement then individuals?
2 Added Argument Are married people happier than single people?
8 Added Argument Is Global Warming Happening?
1 Added Argument Is the US headed for a recession?
1 Added Argument 300 Spartans vs. 300 Samurai
3 Added Argument Should guns be banned in America?
3 Added Argument Outsourcing of US jobs to foreign countries: Bad or Good?
7 Added Argument Outsourcing of US jobs to foreign countries: Bad or Good?
1 Added Argument Would you go back in time and assassinate Hitler?
1 Added Argument What is your favourite robot?
1 Added Argument Immigration - should we send them back?
1 Added Argument Will the economic stimulus checks have a positive impact on the US economy?
1 Added Argument Japanese killing dolphins
1 Added Argument Should the prohibition of marijuana continue?
2 Added Argument Should abortion be legal?
1 Added Argument Endangered specied deserve extinction.
1 Added Argument Windows XP or Windows Vista?
1 Added Argument Is there anything better than capitalism?
2 Added Argument Who is the best entrepreneur
1 Added Argument The best type of music...
2 Added Argument What features should be added to CreateDebate?
5 Created Debate Failed Create
5 Created Debate How will humans colonize space?
1 Added Argument What will you give up first in a Recession?
1 Added Argument Is being a vegetarian a better choice than eating meat?
1 Added Argument what came first?
3 Added Argument Should one alert the proper authorities of a Friend's misconduct within a Termly Exam?
1 Added Argument What could actually motivate America to become fuel efficient?
1 Added Argument Worst President Ever?
1 Added Argument Fakies: Hot or Not?
4 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument Do you trust the press?
1 Added Argument Should religion be separate from state?
7 Added Argument Should abortion be legal?
5 Created Debate Should one alert the proper authorities of a Friend's misconduct within a Termly Exam?
1 Added Argument Do you believe in Free Will for human beings?
1 Added Argument Is this world over populated?
1 Added Argument Is being a vegetarian a better choice than eating meat?

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