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excon's Reward Points: 18262

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument Leftist and the Border situation
1 Added Argument Baned pornography
5 Created Debate Who gets to arrest Trump??
4 Created Debate Is Trump is gonna WIN in 2024??
1 Created Debate Should women face the DEATH PENALTY for having an abortion??
1 Added Argument Biden and Democrats to bail out billionaire banks again
5 Created Debate Does the Constitution GIVE rights to the people, or is freedom the DEFAULT??
2 Added Argument Defense attorneys find FBI emails where they were ordered to destroy Jan 6 evidence
1 Added Argument Defense attorneys find FBI emails where they were ordered to destroy Jan 6 evidence
1 Added Argument In every debate about the new January 6th footage, Excon has no argument
5 Created Debate MAGA wish list
1 Added Argument Since the new January 6th footage came out, Excon nowhere to be found
1 Added Argument We've seen the new Jan 6 footage, so Excon owes us an applogy
1 Added Argument Walls do work
0 Added Argument Is cop baiting by refusing ID becoming a cottage industry in America?
0 Added Argument Is cop baiting by refusing ID becoming a cottage industry in America?
0 Added Argument Have feral cops with zero accountability become the norm in America?
0 Added Argument Have feral cops with zero accountability become the norm in America?
1 Added Argument Westerners say IN line. Easterners say ON line. What's right?
2 Added Argument Who is better in relationships?
4 Created Debate Westerners say IN line. Easterners say ON line. What's right?
1 Added Argument Remembering when the left called the Wuhan lab leak theory a conspiracy theory
5 Created Debate What states would you be willing to give up in order to avoid civil war?
2 Created Debate Forbes catches Trump lying about Trump Tower. Will he ever be held to account??

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