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excon's Reward Points: 18262

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate Is banning books a good thing to do?
1 Created Debate Murder
1 Created Debate Will tanning your balls increase your testosterone?
1 Added Argument Are we required by law to provide a quality life to the animals under our care?
5 Created Debate Are we required by law to provide a quality life to the animals under our care?
1 Added Argument If a person is found guilty in a witch hunt, is that proof of witchcraft?
5 Created Debate If a person is found guilty in a witch hunt, is that proof of witchcraft?
1 Added Argument People Who Can't Speak English Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote
1 Created Debate Are you familiar with 1st Amendment auditors? You should be.
2 Added Argument When Trump said he could shoot somebody and not lose voters, was he RIGHT?
5 Created Debate When Trump said he could shoot somebody and not lose voters, was he RIGHT?
3 Created Debate Should the murderer who murdered a guy on the subway, be charged with murder?
0 Created Debate When Trump said he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave and not lose voters, was he w
1 Added Argument On A Scale Of 1-10, How Mentally Retarded Would You Say Ex-Con Is?
-1 Downvoted Argument Would most people be willing to get arrested if it was to fight for social change?
5 Created Debate If you started a website where ANYBODY could say ANYTHING about ANYBODY?
2 Added Argument Would most people be willing to get arrested if it was to fight for social change?
1 Created Debate Did Trump LOVE transgender people before he HATED them?
-1 Downvoted Argument Would most people be willing to get arrested if it was to fight for social change?
1 Added Argument Should Autism Speaks be shut down?
3 Added Argument Trans-Confused Man threatened to shoot school children
2 Added Argument Should Clarence Thomas be palling around with a collector of Nazi paraphernalia?
5 Created Debate Should Clarence Thomas be palling around with a collector of Nazi paraphernalia?
1 Created Debate If invading Ukraine to stop Nazis was good, shouldn't we invade Mexico to stop fentanyl?

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