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cuntyguy2's Reward Points: 203

Points When What Where
2 High Rated Argument how girls are better than boys
1 High Rated Argument Would the world be better without all religions?
1 Added Argument an eye for an eye can make the whole world blind
1 Added Argument Is going to war something you should be proud of
1 Added Argument People don't appreciate what they have.
1 Added Argument Should sex be illeagal
0 Added Argument Should India be invaded by the West?
1 Added Argument Are Atheists more moral than Christians?
1 Added Argument Women Asking for Equal Pay = Children Demanding Candy
1 Added Argument Poll-What is your job.
1 Added Argument Science vs. Math
2 Added Argument Would you date an ugly/less than good-looking person?
1 Added Argument Do you like dogs or cats?
1 Added Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
2 Added Argument Are teen suicides more due to peer pressure or psychological problems?
3 Added Argument Is someone racist if they don't approve of multi-racial dating?
1 Added Argument Who would win in a fight? Shark or Tiger?
1 Added Argument Can science and religion co-exist?
1 Added Argument Should the USA and its allies have invaded Afghanistan?
1 Added Argument Are you a racist if you disagree with Barry Obama?
1 Added Argument Money can buy happiness
0 Added Argument Capital Punishment in Australia
1 High Rated Argument Which country is better - England or U.S.A?
2 Added Argument Would you be willing to be a Vegetarian for a month?
2 Added Argument Should arranged marriages be outlawed?
1 Added Argument Pornography
1 Added Argument Cussing
1 Added Argument Should Religion be Taught at Schools
1 Added Argument Do you think they will ever find a cure for HIV/AIDS?
1 Added Argument Stand by your country
1 Added Argument Could North Korea/ China invade the United States?
6 Added Argument Christians should stop campaigning against abortion.
-1 Downvoted Argument Do UFOs really exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
4 Added Argument Are teen suicides more due to peer pressure or psychological problems?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
9 Added Argument Cutting
1 Added Argument Should parents be required to attend parenting classes before being permitted to raise chi
1 Added Argument Can Islam and Democracy Coexist?
3 Added Argument Suicide
5 Added Argument Are people the ages 15 and 19 okay to date?
1 Added Argument Would you rather.......
1 Added Argument Would you rather.......
1 Added Argument Is George bush an asshole or a hero
1 Added Argument Do really give a rats ass what people think about you?
1 Added Argument Should kids beable to chew gum in school?
-1 Downvoted Argument THBT it is unethical to eat meat.
-1 Downvoted Argument THBT it is unethical to eat meat.
-1 Downvoted Argument THBT it is unethical to eat meat.
3 Added Argument Westborow baptist church members should be deported
1 Added Argument At a Funeral?
1 Added Argument What talent do you have?
1 Added Argument Can Homosexuals Have A Better Life Than Heterosexuals?
1 Added Argument Would the world be better without all religions?
4 Added Argument Girl
1 Added Argument Is there just one God or is there multiple Gods
1 Added Argument Does giving reservation for women in various areas necessary for their upliftment?
1 Added Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
-1 Downvoted Argument JUSTIN BIEBER
1 Added Argument "Free will" does not preclude fate.
4 Added Argument "Free will" does not preclude fate.
1 Added Argument English Football vs American Football
1 Added Argument Fags have caused the Earthquake in New Zealand.
1 Added Argument Is seeing Homosexuality as a sin, and worthy of Hell, a bigoted view?
0 Added Argument Homosexuality vs Heterosexuality
-1 Downvoted Argument Huge, unnoticed, permanent sexism against men
1 Added Argument Huge, unnoticed, permanent sexism against men
1 Added Argument What will we colinize first: Sea or Space
4 Added Argument Christian priests who molest boys are homosexuals.
10 Added Argument Homosexuality
1 Added Argument Should premarital sex be illegal?
1 Added Argument Is being shy a bad thing?
1 Added Argument Where do you think humans came/create from?
-1 Downvoted Argument Women should serve in combat
2 Added Argument Which is better: youngest child, middle child, oldest child, or only child?
1 Added Argument Women Are Better Teachers
1 Added Argument Why do men lie to women?
1 Added Argument Vegetarianism vs Omnivore
1 Added Argument Women should serve in combat
10 Added Argument Gay or straight
1 Added Argument What rich famous person to you today is wasting their money the most?
1 Added Argument Indian culture
1 Added Argument how girls are better than boys
1 Added Argument Is it relevant to look at animals to determine if homosexual behavior is "normal
1 Added Argument That Hitler had some good side to him
2 Added Argument what is the superior sex men or women ???

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