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blammo's Reward Points: 186

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Has religious evangelicalism become embarrassing?
1 Added Argument Does the "Knight in Shining White Armor" imagery counter the Womens Rights Movement?
5 Created Debate Does the "Knight in Shining White Armor" imagery counter the Womens Rights Movement?
3 High Rated Argument Hilary Clinton's political strategy to win the nomination has been disgraceful
10 High Rated Argument Should be homosexuality considered as a sin?
1 Added Argument Should religion be separate from state?
6 Added Argument Should be homosexuality considered as a sin?
8 Added Argument Should be homosexuality considered as a sin?
1 Added Argument Women are not funny.
1 Added Argument What life form will prevail?
2 Added Argument What life form will prevail?
4 Added Argument Is being a vegetarian a better choice than eating meat?
7 Added Argument Is being a vegetarian a better choice than eating meat?
5 Added Argument What features should be added to CreateDebate?
1 Added Argument Was TX right to take all of the children??
1 Added Argument Skinny vs. Curvy, is the beauty industry and media selling an unreal image?
1 Added Argument Why is it important to engage in debate?
1 Added Argument What Statistics and Hall of Fame "awards" would you like in CreateDebate?
2 Added Argument Is there a difference between marriage and civil union?
2 Added Argument What book should I read next? (I.e. What's your favorite book?)
1 Added Argument Should creationism be taught in science classes in public schools?
1 Added Argument Should Harvard gym have given in to the Muslims?
1 Added Argument Should abortion be legal?
2 Added Argument Is there a difference between marriage and civil union?
5 Created Debate
5 Created Debate Is there a difference between marriage and civil union?
3 Added Argument Are better educated people less likely to be religious?
1 Added Argument Are better educated people less likely to be religious?
3 Added Argument Drug Abuse: Criminal Problem or Health Problem?
3 Added Argument Should homosexuals have the right to adopt?
5 Created Debate Should homosexuals have the right to adopt?
3 Added Argument Hilary Clinton's political strategy to win the nomination has been disgraceful
5 Created Debate Hilary Clinton's political strategy to win the nomination has been disgraceful
1 Added Argument Has Obama appropriately responded to charges of "elitism"?
1 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
2 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument Was Jesus supernatural?
1 Added Argument Will John McCain be the next President?
2 Added Argument Should people be allowed to carry weapons on a College campus?
1 Added Argument Was Jesus supernatural?
1 Added Argument Men Gestating Babies: Right or Wrong?
1 Added Argument Can You Get Rich Without Being Greedy?
1 Added Argument Obama is calling to end lobbyism in America, Are lobbyists bad?
3 Added Argument Obama is calling to end lobbyism in America, Are lobbyists bad?
5 Created Debate Obama is calling to end lobbyism in America, Are lobbyists bad?
3 Added Argument Should religion be separate from state?
5 Created Debate Should religion be separate from state?
5 Created Debate Obama wants to end lobbyists, Are lobbyists bad for the country?
2 Added Argument What's Obama and Clinton's biggest difference?
2 Added Argument Should abortion be legal?

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]