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YLFF's Reward Points: 87

Points When What Where
2 Created Debate Is it fair to compare LGBTQI+ people to pedophiles?
-1 Downvoted Argument Gay Christian singer comes out of the closet. AWESOME!
2 Added Argument Gay Christian singer comes out of the closet. AWESOME!
3 Added Argument In a free country, if Tina wants to marry Sally, why shouldn't they be allowed that right?
1 Created Debate Do you love God?
1 Created Debate Does God love His LGBTQI+ children?
-1 Downvoted Argument In a free country, if Tina wants to marry Sally, why shouldn't they be allowed that right?
1 Added Argument In a free country, if Tina wants to marry Sally, why shouldn't they be allowed that right?
0 Added Argument This is for the dumb asses who think rap is an ignorant/unsophisticated type of music
5 Created Debate In a free country, if Tina wants to marry Sally, why shouldn't they be allowed that right?
5 Created Debate Gay Christian singer comes out of the closet. AWESOME!
2 Added Argument Does this sound Christlike?
1 Created Debate Show me where I CURRENTLY support aborting viable babies, or admit to being a liar!
5 Created Debate Does this sound Christlike?
-1 Downvoted Argument Words used to describe when a life begins? Sentient, actual life, having brain waves...
2 Added Argument What do Dummy Democrats really know about the Constitution
1 Created Debate How you can be saved, if you want.
1 Added Argument Words used to describe when a life begins? Sentient, actual life, having brain waves...
1 Created Debate When does human personhood begin?
3 Added Argument FromWithin Is A Deceiver Who Has Made A Pact With Satan
10 Added Argument FromWithin Is A Deceiver Who Has Made A Pact With Satan
2 Added Argument Are you prochoice, or prolife?
5 Created Debate Are you prochoice, or prolife?
1 Created Debate Does Yeshua/Jesus love for free?

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