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YLFF's Reward Points: 87

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument If I contract the Corona Virus - will your prayers and thoughts cure me?
1 Added Argument If they go full lockdown and shut the Internet off
1 Added Argument France blocks trucks with medical supplies headed for the UK and keeps them
1 Added Argument If I contract the Corona Virus - will your prayers and thoughts cure me?
1 Added Argument China's evil communist government is directly responsible for Corona outbreak
1 Added Argument Wait for it : The Chinese Virus is a Racist term so the Democrats say
-1 Downvoted Argument In a free country, if Tina wants to marry Sally, why shouldn't they be allowed that right?
1 Added Argument Please watch: What's morally wrong with homosexuality?
4 Created Debate Please watch: What's morally wrong with homosexuality?
2 Added Argument Have you noticed how these vulgar bigoted haters on this site are most times on the Left?
1 Added Argument Remember the Global Cooling Scientists in the 1970's? What happens when people "Cry Wolf"?
1 Added Argument What can black people do to keep from getting killed by the cops?

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