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VenusEve's Reward Points: 170

Points When What Where
3 High Rated Argument It is easier to maintain good relationships in social networking sites such as Facebook.
1 Added Argument The Great Flood of the Christian's bible
1 Added Argument Humans are animals!
1 Added Argument Which color is better, Red or Blue?
0 Added Argument Is it practical for the most productive citizens to liquidate the unproductive citizens?
1 Added Argument What do you like?
1 Added Argument Do you care what other people think of you?
9 High Rated Argument We are becoming overwhelmingly dependent on computers - a good or bad thing?
9 High Rated Argument It is easier to maintain good relationships in social networking sites such as Facebook.
9 High Rated Argument It is easier to maintain good relationships in social networking sites such as Facebook.
1 Added Argument Beer Is A Good Product:
5 Created Debate Beer Is A Good Product:

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