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Subcreature's Reward Points: 26

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument There are no other galaxies in outer space - theory
-1 Downvoted Argument There are no other galaxies in outer space - theory
1 Added Argument There are no other galaxies in outer space - theory
-1 Downvoted Argument There are no other galaxies in outer space - theory
1 Added Argument There are no other galaxies in outer space - theory
-1 Downvoted Argument When Trump KILLS democracy, are you gonna lay down, or join the resistance?
1 Added Argument Science or Language Arts?
1 Added Argument What will the Post Trump President be like?
0 Added Argument Negligent blocks bronto in middle of exchange continued
-1 Downvoted Argument When Trump KILLS democracy, are you gonna lay down, or join the resistance?
1 Added Argument When Trump KILLS democracy, are you gonna lay down, or join the resistance?
1 Added Argument Smoking should be permited in publik places?
-1 Downvoted Argument Trump HATES the Constitution
1 Added Argument Trump HATES the Constitution
4 Added Argument When Trump KILLS democracy, are you gonna lay down, or join the resistance?
1 Added Argument Tomorrow is coming liberals... oh wait... now it's tomorrow...(Excon)
2 Added Argument Will Trump make protest lethal??
0 Added Argument Should Bronto be allowed to interrupt class debates?
0 Added Argument Some of the greatest trolling in the history of trolls
0 Downvoted Argument Some of the greatest trolling in the history of trolls
1 Added Argument If it happens that Obama colluded with Putin, is that okay with you?
0 Added Argument The Applicability of Mathematics proves God
0 Added Argument Michelle Obama is actually... Michael, according to Barack
0 Downvoted Argument Nothing disturbing to see here on create debate folks...

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