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SonGoku1's Reward Points: 40

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Textbooks vs. Tablets
-1 Downvoted Argument Textbooks vs. Tablets
-1 Downvoted Argument Do violent video games cause violence?
1 Added Argument If the future of the world lays in the hands of CreateDebate users; Are we in trouble?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do violent video games cause violence?
1 Added Argument Naruto vs Aang
-1 Downvoted Argument If there was a machine that transport any anime character to the real world who will it be
1 Added Argument Is death battle believeable?
2 Created Debate Naruto vs Aang
2 Created Debate If there was a machine that transport any anime character to the real world who will it be
1 Added Argument Hellno is Srom
3 Added Argument Textbooks vs. Tablets
-1 Downvoted Argument Do violent video games cause violence?
9 Added Argument Do violent video games cause violence?
3 Added Argument Abortion
5 Created Debate Is death battle believeable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we ban homework?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we ban homework?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should women be allowed to walk around topless in public?
2 Added Argument Should women be allowed to walk around topless in public?
-1 Downvoted Argument Who will win?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we ban homework?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is there God?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is there God?

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