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Nedster's Reward Points: 33

Points When What Where
1 High Rated Argument Humans are Responsible for Global Warming
1 Added Argument Is the G-8 emissions agreement a significant step towards reduced emissions?
1 Added Argument Jesse Jackson is a Jackass
4 Created Debate Jesse Jackson is a Jackass
10 High Rated Argument Humans are Responsible for Global Warming
1 Added Argument Humans are Responsible for Global Warming
5 Created Debate Humans are Responsible for Global Warming
1 Added Argument Should the US remove the ban on offshore drilling?
1 Added Argument Hilary Clinton's political strategy to win the nomination has been disgraceful
1 Added Argument What could actually motivate America to become fuel efficient?
1 Added Argument Which sport is more boring to watch on television?
1 Added Argument The "Moment of Truth" on Fox is:
5 Created Debate The "Moment of Truth" on Fox is:

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]