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Juggla67's Reward Points: 142

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Why do liberals oppose religious liberty rights?
2 Added Argument It Costs 5 Dollars To Produce A Vial Of Insulin Which Is Then Sold For 500!
5 Created Debate Can Nom name 3 systems which are all technically socialist?
4 Created Debate What was the most evil country in history?
5 Created Debate Andy, ban chinaman for making up fake news stories. He is Outlaw60.
2 Created Debate Dana hates free speech
1 Added Argument Is anti-Christian extremism a problem?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you believe witchcraft is evil?
1 Added Argument NBA now requiring all players to stand for Chinese National Anthem
1 Created Debate Nom has small nuts
4 Added Argument I dunno WHY some people like FromWithin and Juggla67 ban people.. Is it STUPID or what?
5 Created Debate How much crack do you have to smoke to be as dumb as excon?

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