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DEL90978NathanAllen's Reward Points: 2278

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Are you willing to forgive me, for my past false teachings?
3 Added Argument Are you willing to forgive me, for my past false teachings?
0 Added Argument Get Top Branded 9mm Ammo
1 Added Argument Virgnia is under state of emergency.
5 Created Debate Virgnia is under state of emergency.
1 Added Argument Puerto Rico fires Emergency Director after finding warehouse full of wasted aid
1 Added Argument Do people do weird things with their freedom, and should they be free to do so?
2 Added Argument School Lunch guidelines rolled back on Michelle Obama’s Birthday
1 Added Argument Just what we need, another cuntservative obsessing over other people's identities
1 Added Argument Transgenders?
2 Added Argument Trump will be removed, and Pence will too. Welcome President Pelosi
1 Added Argument Trump will be removed, and Pence will too. Welcome President Pelosi
5 Added Argument Transgenders?
2 Added Argument If a German elected Hitler knowing he supported killing Jews, would the voter be culpable?
2 Added Argument Is the Constitution LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE??
5 Created Debate Transgenders?
1 Added Argument What happens if Trump is REMOVED and he gets re-elected??
1 Added Argument Why do liberals fear Conservatives but not gangs?
4 Created Debate I'm back round 3!!!
1 Added Argument How much police brutality would it take to disarm the United States of its guns?
1 Added Argument Trump threatens to annihilate N. Korea, and Kim comes to the table. Connected??
1 Added Argument Shut the fuck up Nomenclature
1 Added Argument Is this forum worth while?
2 Added Argument The idea that there are 70+ sexualities is absurd.

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