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Client444's Reward Points: 61

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Why is the Holy Bible considered evil?
1 Added Argument Are you for or against zoophilia
3 High Rated Argument Are you for or against zoophilia
7 Added Argument What is wrong with God being responsible for Evolution?
5 Added Argument Atheists if you died and talked to the Christian God what would you say?
1 Added Argument Are you for or against zoophilia
1 Added Argument Are mental illnesses proof of God's cruelty?
3 Added Argument Is the bible just another fictional tale?
1 Added Argument First gay couple on disney channel
1 Added Argument Will Zombies exist sometime in the Future?
2 Added Argument Should Homosexual Marriage be legal in all states.
10 Added Argument Why not believe in God, just in case its true
-1 Downvoted Argument Why not believe in God, just in case its true
1 Added Argument Do atheists (on average) have a better sense of morality than religious people?
-1 Downvoted Argument Would you vote for an Atheist presidential candidate?
1 Added Argument Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate on Feb 4th. Who do you support?
2 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Added Argument Should Phil Robertson be kicked off of Duck Dynasty?
1 Added Argument To pro-life who are also anti-samesex marriage
1 Added Argument To pro-life who are also anti-samesex marriage
-1 Downvoted Argument Science refutes God.
-1 Downvoted Argument Science refutes God.
-1 Downvoted Argument Science refutes God.
-1 Downvoted Argument Will religions survive another century ?

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