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AveSatanas's Reward Points: 4443

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate Create Debate is dead. Here is a eulogy. RIP
1 Added Argument Democrats, what new "Gun Laws" would you want?
1 Added Argument How can Liberals do or be better on abortion?
1 Added Argument Did most of the Leftists on this site leave because they can't defend Biden?
1 Added Argument Crime has dramatically increased under Democrats
1 Added Argument Do you think the libs want your guns to CONTROL you, or SAVE childrens lives?
1 Added Argument Why is Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech still so impactful?
1 Added Argument Remember when the libs went crazy over Trump taking time off?
1 Added Argument It's okay to admit you got conned by Biden and the media
1 Added Argument Is Biden a threat to the First Amendment and freedom of the press?
1 Added Argument Why are black Democrats so concerned with getting the white man's acceptance?
2 Added Argument If the left really thought black lives mattered, Jaslyn Adams would be a household name
1 Added Argument 2 mass shootings within a week is a sign the U.S. is getting back to normal
2 Added Argument Hate or don't hate - THAT is the question
4 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
2 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
1 Added Argument Why were the Japanese so cruel to POWs during WW2?
1 Added Argument The left always feared the right would do what they themselves are doing now
1 Added Argument CNN NBC paid leftist who stormed capitol. Media is funding what they call terror
1 Added Argument Which media is the most powerful?? Left wing news print, or right wing talk radio?
1 Added Argument It isn't minorities the left supports. It supports black followers.
0 Added Argument On this day 138 years ago, Karl Marx made his most useful contribution.
0 Added Argument Why is Nom so weak, stupid and gay?
1 Added Argument 50 Shades of Grey being the best seller proves leftists are full blown liars
0 Added Argument If Bronto killed himself, would it make the world a better place?
0 Added Argument Brontoraptor, Why Do You Source Nazi Propaganda And Thinktanks Owned By The Koch Brothers?
0 Added Argument CreateDebate is dead. This is now the Joe H. Cavalry Memorial Zoo
2 Added Argument Isn't it weird how both parties love all minority people that love them back
2 Added Argument Room 122
1 Added Argument What is the exact percentage of meritocracy present in capitalism?
4 Added Argument I couldn't vote for a leftist if I lived 10 trillion years
0 Created Debate CreateDebate is dead. This is now the Joe H. Cavalry Memorial Zoo
0 Added Argument Bronto is so right wing he thinks republicans are left wing
1 Added Argument Is there a way to smoke alcohol and drink weed?
1 Added Argument IS left wing HATRED of Trump, the same as right wing HATRED of Obama?
1 Added Argument socialists who are way smarter than Bronto
2 Added Argument Right wingers have a warped view of what the left and right truly represent
1 Added Argument Do right wingers know the difference between a liberal and a communist?
1 Added Argument Why does the right care more about their oil assets than protecting the ecosystem?
1 Added Argument Explain To Me How Science And Religion Can Coexist
1 Added Argument Libs who say income inequality is a big problem, sure are rich
2 Added Argument Libs who say income inequality is a big problem, sure are rich
1 Added Argument I've Changed My Mind About Bronto
2 Added Argument When Libs get excited about theoretical campaign finance violations
5 Created Debate God's Existence
1 Added Argument DNC Chairman complains about Voters influenced by their Faith
1 Added Argument For the Gun Control Supporters How did people get killed by guns at Mercy H in Chicago?

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