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Hoop's Health

Vicyepiz's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

I suppot this statement because most health insurance companies dont even help their people. So they are just wasting their money on health insurance. They're suppose to help you in your time of need but they dont even do that. They try to find any little mistake in your paperwork so they dont have to waste money on you.

3 points

We should have universal healthcare for everyone because if Canada and Europe can do it so can we. Ive heard that Economically Canada is doing way better then us in more then one way. They have longer life spans then us. It looks like they dont have as much "crazy" people either like the U.S does. They look pretty stable and are happy with their lives. I think they're more happy then us mostly because they dont have any fees to pay when they step into a hospital. Unlike us we probably have to pay off the hospital bills for the rest of our lives. So then we become depressed and take more medications and energy drinks for the millions of Americans who have more then one job to keep their home and family. Then we have Billion dollar celebrities who dont seem to help. Since they have so much money why not give some to a community in need, or theyre hometown.

3 points

I have to disagree with you because even thought the doctors are told by the government, its those doctors who have those fancy cars and such. While us normal people are the ones practially paying for those cars. It's not fair that just because they're doctors they dont have to struggle just because they have a better job then other people.

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