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This personal waterfall shows you all of Phanphan's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The video also said that Americans kill each other more through car crashes, unhealthy eating habits, violence, etc... Over in Europe and Canada, they walk more than we do so they're less likely to die of that cause. People who want medical attention should go out there and look for the appropriate company. They ARE out there, even ones for the poor, and people just have to have the right connections.

1 point

If we have universal health care, everyone will become dependent on the government. They won't care how much money the government spends on their medicine and surgeries; they won't know how much it's putting the nation in debt; they won't have a care in the world until they've realised that their nation is in trouble and theres nothing they could do to fix it because it'll be too late. If we take care of ourselves, we will be more aware of what we are doing, how much we're spending, etc... when it comes to health care. When we have 24 hour clinics that take care of their patients with the same amount; if not faster, of speed and the cost is cheap then there is no need for universal health care.

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