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Lilianaa6's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lilianaa6's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree that everyone should be given equal opportunities, especially in our country that is called the land of opportunity. I think that it’s unfair that someone’s income determines their quality of healthcare.

1 point

I agree that no one should have to suffer especially when this country is rich enough to help those in need. Everyone deserves a chance to feel as best as they can and live a long and happy life.

1 point

I strongly believe that the government should provide healthcare for all. There is no reason why we are one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but we still don’t have access to free and guaranteed healthcare. The taxes would be increased, but in the long run it would still be more affordable than the outrageous healthcare premiums that don’t even guarantee proper care. Our current healthcare system is a joke and it does nothing but help the rich and harm those who are in desperate need of care.

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