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Frankyjmarti's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Frankyjmarti's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

i totally agree with your idea. Not a single person should be diminished for not having good health and should not WORRY about his money over his health.

2 points

I disagree with your statement,actually I don't even know what you are trying to get at! Without Universal Health Care you would have to suffer in a pile of medical bills and have to worry for the insurance company to APPROVE your claim, you see. So why do you want to go against something that can help you and not worry who has your money, who runs your money, and if he would pay with your OWN money.

3 points

Many people are dying but cannot take care of themselves yet this "private" use of insurance is a VERY bad idea as you can see. With so much "bad" in this world and then America LETTING them flourish through capitalism, it is the beginning of the end and if profit is what they want then profit is the ONLY thing they care for. I think that America is "land of the free, and home of the" RICH because that is the only way you can survive in this country and if this could change. Many children, many mothers, and many fathers and still be together...

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