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Hoop's Health

Ashvillatoro's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I think we all need Health Care. Health really isn't something that should be influenced with money. This is something we should all have since the day we're born and if not born in the US. We should be able to give the people here Health Care, just by paying a mini fee is the least we could make that difference from not having one to having one. We should really consider being that helpful and amazing country we claim to be. We should help everyone because a serious sickness isn't something we have an option of having. It happens, It can happen to anyone. So, I really think we should have Health Care for EVERYONE!

It's just so sad seeing people suffer because of this issue. I've watched videos that have actually put me to tears because it's just so hurtful and heartbreaking to see that happening to someone. That feeling of being denied by our country is horrible and I wish no one to go through that again, ever.

We're suppose to take care of eachother and be considerate of our own. We are a family and families should be there to help one another for anything.

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