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Asaldivar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Asaldivar's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I completely agree with every single word in your statement. The American dream is for every American to have an equal opportunity to succeed. To fulfill that, free healthcare for all is the direction we must go to.

1 point

I agree with you statement. It would be best if we could get our basic needs met without having to pay an excessive amount of money👍

1 point

Healthcare can get a bit complicated and be unfair to many people. The way it’s set up, insurance companies will avoid people with serious problems in order to not have as many worries. Families can be hopeful for insurance, plan a happy future, and then get denied. In a life where everyone attacks one another, the least we can do is take care of each other, as a nation. That way, we will take a powerful step forward.

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