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1 point

I am for having universal health care.

I can't say that I know much but I have watched some informational and educational videos on healthcare and the difference of health care hear in America and in other countries.

And I've seen how screwed up our healthcare system is. I've seen how people have been turned down wether they have healthcare or not because of an underlying message or hidden motive to the healthcare agreement.

And those without healthcare have it worse because they have to pay for every little service they get.

But Universal healthcare in other countries is so much more better off and beneficial to all. What harm can come from helping eachother expecting nothing in return but a smiling face to comfort and relax your mind knowing you helped save a life.

1 point

Then you shouldve agreed with universal health care

Its because of the screwed up system we americans have that alot of us can not afford health care and the ones who do have it often get screwed over.

But other countries with free universal healthcare do not have these sort of problems. There is no underlying message in the coverage and no one is turned down.

2 points

Thats true

I just got done watching a video of how our country provides FREE health care for terrorist

So how can we take care of our enemies but not help our own countrymen

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