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Hoop's Health

RanMelg's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RanMelg's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is also a good point, health care doesn't have to be free but at the same time it can be way more cheaper. Cheap enough that everyone can afford it and wont land then in debt.

1 point

I agree, because we don't need the government to put a price on our health.

1 point

I think we need health care for everyone because there are certain people who don't have money to pay for the medical bills that are left after a single visit from the doctor. It will benefit everyone and then the money that would be used for the medical bill can easily be used for other necessary things like food or clothing for the family.

1 point

I think we need health care for everyone because there are certain people who dont have money to pay for the medical bills that are left after a single visit from the doctor. It will benefit everyone and then the money that would have been used for the medical bill can easily be used for other necessary things like food and or clothing for the family.

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