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MirandaE6's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MirandaE6's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with this statement 100 percent. The amount of of money people pay for healthcare is unbelievable. The government needs to come to the conclusion that the system is so corrupted and the nation doesn’t deserve to live like this.

1 point

I agree with this statement. Even though healthcare is expensive, that does not mean people should not have the opportunity to get it anyways. Hopefully the government will come to the point where this nation’s citizens will get what they deserve.

1 point

I support the view of Healthcare for all. I’m very well aware of all the flaws the corrupted healthcare system obtains. For me, this topic is hard to choose a side, but I’m leaning more towards Healthcare for all because even though you would have to pay a fortune, it’s better than having to do something yourself, not having the proper tools to do so. I understand many people don’t have that type of money to pay for it, but I just believe having healthcare is better than having nothing at all.

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