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LLEFFALL's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I agree with you because America has all the resources plus some to help people but instead of helping all of their citizen equally they put those who can’t pay out of the hospital not even caring about their conditions.

1 point

I agree with what you are saying because it is ridiculous that people are denied health insurance for their size and also because people shouldn’t have to travel out the country just to get health care.

1 point

Health care should be free for everyone. People shouldn’t have to pay ridiculous amounts of money to make sure they are healthy. People also shouldn’t be turned down for health insurance when they have a concerning health condition they should be able to get insurance to help them because it’s there health that on on the line at the end of the day. Without health insurance many people are left to crazy high medical bills, but if health insurance was free they wouldn’t have that problem. Denying someone’s health insurance is like denying them a happy life because without insurance people would be left with bills that they can’t pay which would put them in debt and being in debt would cause them to have to make very difficult choices for example selling their house or valuables. Lazaria leffall 7th period

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