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JorobaNation's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JorobaNation's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I Agree, Universal Health Care is something that everyone should have and people don't have to think about not going to the hospital because there afraid the medical bill will be to high to were they can't afford it. So Universal Health Care is great thing to have and everyone should have coverage and be worry free.

1 point

I Agree, The government shouldn't have to chose if we live or die. We should have the right to live and have the medication that we need or the procedure we have to have to survive because if the government can't take care of us then who can?

3 points

My opinion is that the government should take care of us and this is why I think so. One reason is some people can't afford insurance its either to expensive the insurance turn them down because they think that the patient might have a problem that is very expensive to treat. Another reason is medicines could be very expensive and people just don't have the money to afford them. In a few countries that i can name like England and France have great coverage, the people there don't have even to think about a medical bill because the government pays for it which is great. Also in England they actually pay you if you were charged to get transported to the hospital. There are backfires to these great insurances like there are very high taxes in France but at least you have great coverage. So my statement is our government should support us because no person has to go through that they can't pay for there medical bills. We should all be able to have coverage and be insured.

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