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Hoop's Health

HWalker_4's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Healthcare needs to be available for everyone, for free. The only people that can afford the system we have now is the one percent aka the rich. Many of the people in America don’t make enough money to take care of their families and be able to pay $200 for a checkup if their child has a fever. Over 50 million Americans don’t have insurance, are we supposed to let them suffer? To not be able to take care of themselves because they cannot afford it. Many jobs people work don’t provide enough. Plus most well paying jobs require that you attend a four year college, not every family has that money, so since someone doesn’t attend college they end up not having a well paying job and that non well paying job leads to tell not having enough money to take care of themselves. Due to the lack of money people have to work and work and work until they get old and possibly once they hit their death bed because they can’t afford to take care without the income. We should have our sick and old having to push themselves farther than their bodies can handle because healthcare companies want to charge crazy rates or have people under their company’s insurance cancelled. Concluding my argument, I think that healthcare should be free for every race, religion, height, weight, anything. Everyone deserves to be healthy.

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