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ChrisA-4's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ChrisA-4's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So, first you said that “lower income won’t have to worry” referring to the increase in taxes. That insinuates that the rich would have to worry, which I’m the long term is not good for the economy or the people as a whole. The reason being is that if the rich are taxed at a higher rate they will eventually just leave the country and start up business in another one. This means that the GDP and available jobs will decrease, especially since the rich people are normally the ones with the larger businesses that provide much of the employment. So if they take their businesses and leave then the economy will go down, the standard of living will also decrease. So all this will do is hurt people. P.S sorry for using “so” a lot.

1 point

That is the main point of the republican view that we saw in the video. It addressed your issue about “people not being able to afford it”. With the capitalistic idea of supply and demand them prices would have to lower and quality would improve. This is because if a hospital is worse then another, then people just won’t go to it and so the hospital won’t get money and will have to shut down.

1 point

America became the strongest economy in a he world by its capitalistic nature, which means it runs on supply and demand. For reference look at Venezuela, it used to be capitalistic but then turned into a dictatorship and their economy collapsed. Now, when our country became the top do you competition why do we change that principle for healthcare? All it is doing is taking away the consumers power, lining insurance companies pockets, and raising the prices of treatment for those how are pushed away from having insurance. If we could choose our doctors and didn’t have to worry about the highly inflated costs of medicine, mainly due to the insurance companies, then our doctors would be forced to lower their prices and raise their quality or else they wouldn’t get any money. This has already been shown to be true with areas such as Lasik Eye surgery or the clinics that have been pooping out in Walmart’s and other stores. So let’s all take control of our own health, money, and doctors.

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