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AntoniVelez3's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AntoniVelez3's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Although the U.S. does have a lot of debt, slightly raising the tax rates, as most countries with universal health care do, could help outweigh the cost of health care for all

1 point

Yes some people fear increased taxes. However, the citizens of France pay taxes at a rate based on their income, so those with a lower income won’t have to worry as much about raised tax rates.

1 point

Private insurance companies in the United States often reject people over pre-existing conditions, which we have no control over. Even when people are covered with insurance, they could still get certain procedures, medicines, and surgeries rejected, just to save money for the company. In foreign countries like France and the UK they pay only the fraction that we do for the same medication. Some argue that wait times for these countries are much longer than ours, but in the documentary “Sicko”, we can see that regular citizens don’t wait as long as suggested by the media.

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